We switch back to ordinary time this week, a blessed opportunity to go deeper in our faith with the second letter of Paul to the Corinthians as the assigned first reading while Matthew, the gospel. Second Corinthians seemed to be a troubled community. Paul’s words sounded like a response to a terrible situation happening internally that's why he stressed the importance of the new covenant and of the spirit.
Grand Knight: Ray Pacheco, Deputy Grand Knight: Casey Hoyack, Advocate: Alvaro Montoya, Chancellor: Arturo Jimenez, Recorder: Miguel Breton, Treasurer: Pablo Duarte, Finance Secretary: Deacon Ed Gomez, Inside Guard: Jose Manuel, Outside Guard: Deacon Gabriel Espino, Trustee 1: Gabe Ortega, Trustee 2: Manuel Gracia. Trustee 3: Arturo Torrez, Chaplain: Fr. Jojo Tabo, Lecturer: Joe Alvarez, Warden: William Tardibuono.
This evening was my first public appearance at the K of C monthly meeting since my arrival last November. District Deputy Rob Bridges graced us with his presence.
I want to especially thank Joe Alvarez for his unwavering commitment and great dedication as the Grand Knight.
Today at 6pm, I presided over the Immaculate Conception catechists in a much-anticipated meeting/planning for the next SY. It’s exciting to hear that even after decades of service as catechists, most of them, if not all, still have an extremely high level of passion, energy, enthusiasm and interest, name it. It’s as though it’s their first time doing this. In this program, we won’t measure success by the numbers because chances are, we’ll end up frustrated, feel bad about ourselves and eventually, get discouraged. In this ministry, success lies in the impact and the influence it creates on the child's formative years.
Following the 12pm Pentecost Sunday Mass at IC, as I was heading back to the sacristy, someone stopped me and requested for a photo with the choir dressed passionately in red. Sure thing! Here it is…if you have a photo of your choir or ministry, please share…
THE DOUGLAS CATHOLIC YOUTH GROUP is inviting all the youth of the three parishes to join them/us on June 23, Sunday, 2pm-5pm, 10 th St. park for an afternoon of fun, games and prayer.
We offer prayers and support to all victims of injustice, abuse of any kind, violence and natural disasters...We pray that peace and justice will reign...
We take a moment to pray for the eternal repose of the souls of the parishioners who recently passed away and offer condolences, sympathy and consolation to the grieving families, relatives, friends and everyone affected by the loss. Rest assured, they are included in the prayers of the Catholic community.
Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord and let perpetual light shine upon them. May they rest in peace. May their souls and the souls of all the faithful departed through the mercy of God rest in peace. Amen.
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May God bless you abundantly!
Bishop Edward J. Weisenburger