I’ve often been asked about the most challenging part of my ministry. The administration of three cluster parishes within a 2.5 mile radius is a joy, a headache and a mystery. While the plan is to work collaboratively under the slogan, the Catholic Community, which if done well would be a powerful force in the evangelization of Douglas-Pirtleville, it doesn’t always work that way. Realities are bigger than ideas. I find that some members wish to remain and be identified as members of their respective parishes. This is the current make-up of the Catholic Community which somehow gives us a glimpse of the Trinity.
The Blessed Trinity is not a problem nor a puzzle to be solved. There are no words nor phrases that will completely express and explain God. Rather, in humility and love, every time we encounter the divine, we are drawn to the beauty and the majesty of God. Faced with a tough question, the church fathers in an attempt to provide a preview of God in human words but at the same time, protect the ineffable and preserve the mystery (the glory and the wonder of God), left us with an equation 1 + 1 + 1 = 1. Certainly, such an expression doesn't follow science, math and logic. There may be no text that explicitly explains the Trinity in the scriptures but God has existed even before the material world began. The Book of Proverbs tells us that “before the earth was formed, wisdom was conceived. It says further that the Lord possessed me, the beginning of his ways” (Prov. 8: 22-31). The wisdom of God existed even before the creation of the universe. The gospel is taken once again from John’s farewell discourse focusing on the Trinity, “I have much more to tell you but you cannot bear it now. Everything that the Father has is mine; for this reason, I told you that he will take from what is mine and declare it to you” (Jn. 16: 12-15). It remains hidden and no matter how hard we try, we can’t fully comprehensible it.
As a response to the Trinitarian controversy which arose at the Arian heresy, strong emphasis was placed on the Trinity and thereby, this feast on the Blessed Trinity was inserted in the church calendar after the completion of the plan of salvation “accomplished by the Father through the Son in the Holy Spirit”. Same in essence but relationally distinct (individual roles): the Father as the creator, the Son as the redeemer and the Holy Spirit as the sanctifier.
Communion is at the very heart of God. Baptism is the sacrament of our official entry into the life of God which makes us inseparably connected with one another. The principle of communion is the ground and basis of the Trinitarian Faith: Father, Son and Holy Spirit powerfully illustrated on Sunday Ritual we call Mass. From our respective places called home, we process, we congregate, we commune with one another in the name of God who gives us that deep sense of identity.
The front page of the bulletin portrays the familiar image of the Trinity as a triangle surrounded by light rays with an eye in the middle. A version of this is in the great seal of the United States and also in the dollar bill. Belief in the Blessed Trinity is best expressed not in words or phrases not even in artwork but in silence and peace especially, at the moment when our heads are bowed and knees bent. Amen.
I don’t know who wrote this “My God is too high, I can't go up to him. He is too low, I can't go down. He is too wide, I can't go around him. But the door is open and I can get in...he invites me to enter.”
For further reading, the ancient writings of St. Athanasius’ Creed and S t. Augustine’s On the Trinity are the best sources available.
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May God bless you abundantly!
Bishop Edward J. Weisenburger