Deacon Ed Gomez leads the RCIA program, originally designed for unbaptized adults (without religious affiliation/background) seeking to become Catholics. It's also widely open to baptized Christians converting to Catholicism and baptized Catholics who have yet to complete the Sacraments of Initiation. Meetings are held on Mondays, 7pm at St. Luke Parish Hall. You must be at least 18 years of age to be part of this process which starts in the fall until Easter Vigil.
As you know, Christian discipleship is a lifetime commitment. Although the program formally ends on Easter Vigil, Life in Christ (personal holiness) through the institutional church (mediator of divine graces) moves to a higher degree. A suggested minimal donation will be graciously welcomed to defray the cost of the program as well as to encourage strong commitment.
Please click here to fill out the short form.
On the first meeting in the fall, each participant will be asked to fill out the RCIA Inquirer Form.
Becoming Catholic normally starts with the person's spiritual journey. That said, the individual story touched by divine revelation is the raw material in the process. In the course of the program, you will be taught to prayerfully examine your life daily (meditation) to be aware how the hand of God works in you