This week, we get the chance to hear from the profoundly inspirational book of Sirach, an ancient writing that’s filled with divine wisdom: instructions that as expected are out of this world. On Monday, it says that wisdom is more than simply knowing things, the accumulation of facts along with the power of an informed decision. It is primarily a gift from God. Wisdom brings life. We can share and reap its rewards and blessings but only after going through tough trials orchestrated by our very own, Lady Sophia. Oh I love it! Remember the good- old saying learned back in grade school posted in walls of classrooms and preached constantly by our dear teachers, “A faithful friend is a sturdy shelter. He who finds one finds a treasure. A faithful friend is beyond price, no sum can balance his worth. A faithful friend is a life-saving remedy, such as he who fears God finds. For he who fears God behaves accordingly, and his friend will be like himself (Sir 6: 15-17).”
Friendship is priceless. It’s a precious gem. It's everywhere but hard to find. You almost have to chase it. If you ever find one, grab it and never let it go. A loyal and faithful friend is someone who will stay with you forever and never desert or abandon you especially in difficult times. A false friend is with you only to take advantage of you. At the Loretto School Mass, one of the senior students shared that a fake friend wants you to do bad things. Before closing the homily, one of them at the back said us that we should get rid of them. After the Mass, Sr. Mary Aloysius, OCD, the school principal, nailed it in saying that Jesus is the real friend.
When I was younger, someone gave me an unsolicited advice that in life apart from your many friends, you should at least have two kinds of true friends: someone who’s willing to listen and go the extra mile, wholeheartedly accept you and never pass judgement on you regardless of who you are and what you’ve done and someone who’s not afraid to tell you the truth (tough love) even if the consequences will hurt you. If we love and trust God which we all do, we will find a true and loyal friend. Let’s take it to heart and value friendship.
Lent is coming up shortly. Please check the Lenten season schedule of activities and take advantage of the many opportunities for spiritual and religious growth: way of the Cross on Fridays, weekend retreats/recollections (adults, youth and young adults), communal penance service including support for our Lenten fund raising.
This is an updated version of the weekly (Tuesday) letter…
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May God bless you abundantly!
Bishop Edward J. Weisenburger