The Holy Father’s twitter account which has over 10 million followers is @Pontifex, a Latin word which means bridge builder historically and literally that is to say, looking over the Rhine into the Tiber, to bridge both sides of the bank but eventually, came to be interpreted as to connect the chasm between culture and religion, faith and science, etc. As the successor of Peter and the spiritual head of the over two billion Catholics worldwide, Papacy, represented by the Pope, is the most exalted throne on earth, a divinely sanctioned institution. In fact, it is the oldest institution in the world. Many of us are familiar with the saying, Rome has spoken which means, there’s nothing you can do.
The foundational text of this supreme authority is the highly acclaimed confession of Faith of Peter at Caesarea Philippi, “You are the Christ, the Son of the Living God.” You are the Anointed One! The Messiah! This response was prompted by the survey question, who do people say that the Son of Man is? It’s interesting that Jesus used the expression, Son of Man to tell them about his humanity, that he was as human they are. And went further, “And you, who do you say that I am? Because of this leap of faith, Jesus made him the leader of the twelve. He is the rock upon which the church will be built and added with the promise and assurance that even the gates of hell cannot penetrate over it. As the chief steward, he’s been entrusted with the keys of the kingdom of heaven and invested with the sacred power to bind and to loose that is, to govern, to teach authoritatively, to dictate culture and influence religion, to clear ambiguity, to promote dialogue, to condemn false teachings, to denounce any ideology/lifestyle that goes contrary to the gospel, to declare who’s in and who’s out, heal political rifts if need be, to be a source of unity, bind wounds of division, reach out to the separated brethren and re-interpret history and tradition with the ever-changing circumstances of our time.
Blessed are you Simon (who at that time, was a thriving, successful businessman for owning a fishing boat) for flesh and blood has not revealed this to you but my heavenly father. You got an A+ not because of your own accord nor from your own discovery but because it was divinely revealed by my father. The church is a divine institution for as long she came from God and human institution for as long she’s run by (imperfect) human beings as history shows.
And so, I say to you, “You are Peter and upon this rock I will build my church and the gates of the nether world shall not prevail against it.” It’s often said that the Gospel of Matthew is very Catholic because of its hierarchy, highly structured and authoritative united in the foundational belief in the Petrine Ministry, in the primacy of Peter, appointed and installed as the leader of the twelve and the chief steward of the church in a line of Apostolic Succession. He is the Pope, the Bishop of Rome, the Vicar of Christ, the Supreme Pontiff, the Patriarch of the West, Primate of Italy, Prince of the Apostles, Servant of the Servants of God and last but not least, Successor of Peter.
Jesus further adds, "I will give you the keys to the kingdom of heaven. Whatever you bind on earth shall be bound heaven; whatever you loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven." The handing of the keys to Peter is symbolic of the authority of binding and loosing interpreted as having the power to make decisions in behalf of the church directly affecting the souls of countless believers, to declare and pronounce a doctrine as part of the deposit of faith and require obedience to the faithful, to allow and forbid members and finally, to forgive and to retains sins. The anti-Catholic sentiments in America is possibly the result of the authoritative nature of the church. And yet, Christianity built Democracy.
To confess our faith following the homily is one thing, to live it is a different story altogether. The Deposit of Faith (Sacred Scripture, Sacred Tradition and the Magisterium) is unchangeable or some things are unchangeable. Such a thing is not a subject matter for debate and negotiation. How we express our faith in a manner that will radiate, inspire, change hearts and transform the world varies across time. In order to create an atmosphere of belongingness and hospitality to visitors, I spend time recognizing new comers, first time churchgoers in an attempt, as it were, to embrace and engage the world. In all its splendor and glory and grandeur, this sacred power is best exemplified in humble service patterned through the life and ministry of the founder Jesus Christ.
I grew up with Saint John Paul II whose holiness and spirituality captured me. My over a decade long seminary formation was shaped under his guidance and inspiration. He was the only Pope I knew until a month finishing my theological formation, Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger was elected to the Papacy and took the name Benedict XVI. In March 2013, as the smoke billowed over the Apostolic Palace signaling Habemus Papam, I waited and curious who the next Pope was and Cardinal Jorge Mario Bergoglio came in the balcony of St. Peter’s Basilica and took the name Francis. He was very different from day one of his Pontificate from a latin American background focusing heavily on lifestyle. I am not sure how I got this unsolicited info (perhaps, from a Catholic News Media Outlet) but the Cardinals elected Pope Francis because of his closeness to living the Gospel. This is what we aspire to do: to be the living example of the Gospel values, of the words any preacher utters from the pulpit. Amen.
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May God bless you abundantly!
Bishop Edward J. Weisenburger