Dear Parishioners,
Grace and peace to you!
In accordance with the Diocese of Tucson Policies issued by Bishop Weisenburger and the recent recommendations set by the government ( , ) on the Coronavirus outbreak , with much love and care for the physical health and spiritual well-being of the faithful, to ensure our safety and protection, especially the most vulnerable among us, and in an effort to curb the rapid spread of Covid-19, the following Liturgical activities and parish events in the Catholic Community of Douglas – Pirtleville (Immaculate Conception, St. Bernard and St. Luke) are cancelled or suspended until Monday, April 6, 2020 (for now).
WEEKDAY AND SUNDAY MASSES will be celebrated privately for an end of the spread of the Coronavirus pandemic and to fulfill the scheduled intentions of all three parishes. Weekday Masses will be offered at 11am while Sunday Masses at 10am (English) and 12pm (Spanish), respectively. God willing, we’re going digital. Live streaming the Mass is in the works. The link will be provided later. The Sunday Mass obligation is dispensed for all parishioners of the Catholic Community. However, you are highly encouraged to spend time to reflect on the Sunday readings, recite the rosary and perform other Lenten spiritual exercises.
PARISH CHURCHES (St Luke Chapel and Immaculate Conception Church) will be open Monday – Friday, 8am – 5pm for private prayer. Please observe social distancing.
Although PARISH OFFICES will remain open under normal hours of operation, please call first to see if we can address your question/concern over the phone or through email, instead of walking-in, in order to avoid social contact.
The RELIGIOUS EDUCATION PROGRAM in our parishes is rooted at home and/or in the family. Although classes are postponed, I humbly ask the parents/guardians to lead the students in daily prayer, especially those who will receive the sacraments.
With the suspension of Sunday Masses comes a significant drop in SUNDAY COLLECTION . If you are not experiencing financial hardships, please continue to support your parish as we heavily rely on your remarkable kindness and generosity to sustain our daily operation. Please accept my deep appreciation and gratitude.
For timely updates, please check back here
In the face of this daunting task and with changing circumstances, let us invoke the Holy Spirit. With fervent hope, we sincerely pray that through the intercession of Our Lady of the Immaculate Conception, Our Lady of Guadalupe, St. Bernard and St. Luke, with the collaborative efforts of the various sectors in society especially those in the healthcare department, the Lord, our gracious God, the source and fount of life, will end the spread of Coronavirus here and across the globe, strengthen our belief, increase our faith, make us even more charitable towards the needy, shower us with the timeless blessings and gifts of peace, unity and selfless love to one another, and draw us ever closer to his Son, Jesus Christ, the Healer. Amen.
In the service of Christ, the Lord
Fr. Jojo
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May God bless you abundantly!
Bishop Edward J. Weisenburger