The boldness in preaching of the Apostle Paul and his companion Barnabas was obviously felt in their missionary journeys. Paul healed the lame from birth. We hear a striking statement from Paul, “We proclaim to you Good News that you should turn from these idols to the Living God.” Today, Tuesday, 5/21 is a time to focus on the good things God had done to us. Easter is a special time to appreciate the goodness of creation from the weather, morning dew, the snow, the rain and the thunder, and the clear blue sky. Wednesday, 5/22 tells us the familiar story of the Council of Jerusalem when the Apostles gathered to talk and solve a major controversy in the early church. The issue was about th fulfillment as to whether Gentile converts needed to be circumcised or not. For me, it wasn’t so much about the outcome as it was about the process of coming together and seriously discuss the issue affecting the church.
The Immaculate Conception Church celebrated two first holy communion masses last Saturday, May 18. As you know, first communion has become one of the most anticipated and important events in the lives of the first communicants, a childhood rite of passage, so to speak. Boys and girls donned white dresses as brides of Christ. It was a full house attended by the padrinos/padrinas, los padres, nana’s and tata’s, abuelita’s and the great grandparents. I took a great deal of time to recognize their presence as I found it necessary to appreciate them on this marvelous occasion. I'm sure lots of photos were taken but sorry I don't have any...Once I got one, i'll posted it.
At the 10:30am Sunday Mass, May 19, we celebrated the first holy communion of five communicants. The altar was beautifully decorated and the church was packed.
Last Thursday, May 16, the 8 th graders processed in the aisle in a solemn mass of thanksgiving followed by a simple awarding ceremony. Although I came in the middle of the year (November to be exact), my impression about the class of 2019 is that they're engaging, talented, helpful and respectful, to name a few. I hold a lot of pride (in a positive sense) that I was able to memorize their names. I'm grateful to Sr. Mary Aloysius, the (outgoing) school principal for her dedication, commitment and administrative skills and Sr. Caridad, the (incoming) school principal. I have great respect for them as they have introduced me into Catholic education.
Last Sunday, May 19, I presided over the Mass of DHS class of 2019. Boys put on black toga while girls gold. The graduates were surrounded by their families and friends. Douglas Unified School District Superintendent Ana Samaniego, Douglas High School Principal Dr. Overmann and Mrs. Diana Martinez graced us with their presence. I’m particularly grateful to Ana Samaniego for coordinating the event. I was told that the Baccalaureate Mass has been an annual tradition at DHS to give thanks to God and what better way to do it than through the highest form of Catholic worship, the Mass. Blessings and prayers for the graduates.
Let’s pray for the eternal repose of the souls of the parishioners who recently passed away: Andres Bojorquez, Enrique (Henry) Hoffman, Socorro Mejia and Antonio Aguayo and offer condolences, sympathy and consolation to the grieving families, relatives and friends. Rest assured, they are included in the prayers of the community.
Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord and let perpetual light shine upon them. May they rest in peace. May their souls and the souls of all the faithful departed through the mercy of God rest in peace. Amen.
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May God bless you abundantly!
Bishop Edward J. Weisenburger