EASTER WEEK was observed by the early Christians to reflect deeper on the msytagogical experiences of the paschal vigil along with continued catechesis. Over time, it has evolved into a solemnity. The Octave of Easter is about the surprising resurrection appearances and the exciting and joyful announcements of the good news. As you know, the disciples thought Good Friday was the end of it all. In his earthly days, Jesus mentioned suffering and rising from the dead several times to the disciples but they didn’t get it. Their hopes and expectations dashed and had no hint of coming to life again at least from their vantage point. The resurrection then was a totally unexpected, mysterious event as described in the reactions of the first witnesses. For instance, Mt. 28: 8-15 tells us that Mary Magdalene and the other Mary on leaving the tomb, were both fearful and overjoyed and ran to announce the good news. Go tell my brothers to go to Galilee and there they will see me. Meanwhile, as a preacher, I only say so much. I can’t take you to Galilee. You have to go there on your own and meet Jesus himself. John’s version in 20: 11-18 is slightly different. Mary Magdalen initially thought Jesus was a gardener. When she recognized him, he said, stop holding on to me. Jesus’ resurrection involved letting go of the past and welcoming new opportunities for continued spiritual growth. Luke’s Emmaus story portrays the two disciples who didn't recognize Jesus on the way but only until the breaking of the bread. Jesus’ rising from the dead was clearly a new dimension of reality.
In a small border town such as Douglas-Pirtleville where everybody knows everybody, it sounds awkward to say welcome to the newly-baptized. But allow me to welcome Chad Acosta, Martha Mendez and Rafael Mendez to the body of Christ and congratulate (for a lack of better term) the adults who completed the sacraments of initiation either through confirmation and holy communion. The celebration was well-attended by families, friends and relatives. For first- timers, I’m afraid they might describe Easter Vigil as the longest mass they’ve ever attended. Well, that’s true. It’s the vigil of all vigils, the night of all nights, the end and the beginning. It was time spent in holy abandon.
I want to thank the Catholic Community's staff, deacons, altar servers, choir, lectors and commentators, ushers, decorators, and the numerous volunteers who helped raise funds during lent. Again, thank you so much! Muchas Gracias por su apoyo!
Let’s pray for the souls of the more than 300 innocent lives lost in the terrorist attack in Sri Lanka on Easter Sunday. Yes, Easter Sunday. Nothing is worse than that. Let's join the world but especially, Sri Lanka in condemning this heinous crime against humanity (not just religion) and mourn with the families of the victims.
Let’s pray for all those deeply affected by the recent earthquakes in the Philippines on Easter Sunday, Monday and Wednesday (Manila Time), respectively.
In behalf of the Catholic Community, I fervently pray for the eternal repose of the souls of Estela Padilla, Lydia Reyes and Rudy Ramirez who recently passed away and extend sincere condolences and deepest sympathy to the grieving families, relatives and friends.
Rest assured, they are remembered and included in the humble prayers of the community especially at the weekend masses.
Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord and let perpetual light shine upon them. May they rest in peace. May their souls and the souls of all the faithful departed through the mercy of God rest in peace. Amen.
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May God bless you abundantly!
Bishop Edward J. Weisenburger