Last Saturday’s retreat with the young adults was a great opportunity to step out of the normal routine. We delved into Holy Week. I’m sure this year, all of us (the participants, myself included), will have a different (deeper understanding) outlook about this great and solemn event of our redemption. In the presentation, I started with an overview of Holy Week as the annual commemoration of the paschal mystery of Jesus Christ using the words of James Monti in his book, The Week of Salvation: History and Traditions of Holy Week. I mentioned different names associated with Holy Week in the early centuries and ended the brief introduction with tough questions raised by Amy-Jill Levine in her new (short) book, A Beginner’s Guide to Holy Week. What she tried to get across was that Jesus risked his life in Holy Week. Yes and I can’t agree with her more. For her, we enter into Holy Week the moment we ask the question, what’s worth dying for? And what’s worth living for? Is there any valuable cause are you involved with?
We had a great discussion following a 15-minute individual reflection. My Lenten book this year is no other than Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI’s Jesus of Nazareth Part II. I tried to read it in year’s past but for some reason, fell through the cracks. Being a theological giant that he is, it’s a little too much for an average person like me. It’s vast in its scope. Next year, my plan is to introduce a series of study, prayer and reflection about Holy Week for the Catholic community based on the available materials. It’s a work in progress. I know there are tons of resources available out there that will be helpful in the realization of this ambitious plan. If you have suggestions, let me know. I’m open for any feedback but be nice. It’s lent. It’s a special time to purge our demons and resist any influence of the evil one. No meanie…ok?
I wish one day, I can join the Cursillo. Weekend religious encounters are life-changing. Over 75% of parish volunteers have cited Cursillo as the #1 reason for their strong commitment and involvement in the local community. The impact it brings to people’s lives is beyond words. Cursillistas can probably describe to you what it is but they can’t tell you exactly what happened. You have to go through it yourself. I crave for it, too. I believe every human being does. As far back as I can recall, the most powerful weekend experience I had extends back in high school and that is, over 2 decades ago. I don’t think I’ll ever forget that. The memory may not be fresh but it has stayed with me. The preparation involved in this weekend renewal program is massive. They’ve been preparing for the last 3 months on Thursday evenings and Saturdays mornings, respectively. Last weekend, I dropped by for a few minutes at the Men’s Cursillo. This weekend, it’s women’s turn. Let’s pray for them.
The sisters of Notre Dame along with a handful of parishioners from Immaculate Conception have helped establish the Migrant Carpentry Shop in Agua Prieta for some time now. Here's the link to the website: They'll highly appreciate whatever help we can extend. Also, here's the link to the cross planting ministry just in case you're interested: to show solidarity and express sympathy to the numerous migrants (identified or not) who died while crossing the Sonoran desert.
Let’s include in our prayers the separated families, couples struggling with their marriages, the homeless, the unemployed, the run-away youth, the sick, those recovering from drug addiction, the homebound, the terminally ill, and the dying in the Catholic community and the greater part of Douglas, Pueblo Nuevo and across the line, Agua Prieta. Although we’re separated by international border, the truth is, we’re neighbors. In a border town like Douglas, we defy conventional thinking. We share a lot of things in common.
Let’s pray for the eternal repose of the souls of the parishioners who passed away last week: Jesus Pelayo, Bertha Worchester, Angel Morales, Joe Rodriguez, Edmund and Harlan Lewis and offer condolences, sympathy and consolation to the grieving families, relatives and friends. Rest assured that they are included in the prayers of the community.
Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord and let perpetual light shine upon them. May they rest in peace. May their souls and the souls of all the faithful departed rest in peace. Amen.
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May God bless you abundantly!
Bishop Edward J. Weisenburger