This week is the start of the long- Tuesday- evening- confirmation- interviews for all three parishes. It sounds overwhelming but I look forward to it. I really do. Being the only priest down here, I'm spreading myself too thin already but the one-on-one 10-minute platica with the confirmandi is considerably, a huge investment for me. The stuff of the interview is mostly about their letter to the Bishop, chosen Confirmation saint and the completed service projects. Since this interview is relational and conversational in nature, I'll avoid the scary (intimidating) classroom discussion setting along with A-F (pass/fail, greater/lesser, smarter/needs improvement) grading system (although that’s important). Since I’m a minister of souls, my plan, by default, is to listen (to see where the stuff of religion, church and faith are in their lives) and connect with them through a post-confirmation faith formation program tailored to their level.
I’m deeply appreciative of the birthday greetings and wishes especially the birthday cards crafted by the students of Loretto School handed to me by Sr. Caridad before Mass Monday afternoon. Following the 9am Monday Mass, I joined the sisters of SSND along with some friends @IC and visited the cooperative in AP. The young mothers manning the organization and making crafts as their humble means of livelihood need so much our help. It was very especial.
I’ve always thought that those of us born on 3/18 are the nobody’s in the world sandwiched between two religious pillars and significant feasts in the calendar: St. Patrick’s and St. Joseph, the husband of Mary, the epitome of gentleness, simplicity, and humility. Although 3/17 fell on a Sunday, I bet Irish parties have been celebrated like it should be for the great prophet of Ireland. St. Cyril of Jerusalem (my saint), Bishop and Doctor of the church, though a saint of the orthodox tradition whose optional memorial was last Monday, deserves mention (even on lent) as he made extraordinary contributions especially in his efforts to correct Arian heresy (versions still in existence in modern times).
Let’s pray for the eternal repose of the souls of the parishioners who recently died: Rosa Lydia Montano, Rosaura Duron, Anastacia Perez, Yolanda Alvarado, Magdalena Majalca, Gerardo Salcido and offer condolences, sympathy and consolation to the grieving families, relatives and friends. Rest assured, they are included in the prayers of the community.
Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord and let perpetual light shine upon them. May they rest in peace. May their souls and the souls of all the faithful departed through the mercy of God rest in peace. Amen.
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May God bless you abundantly!
Bishop Edward J. Weisenburger