The parade of Saints at Loretto School was a sight and a joy to behold. It was lovely seeing the students donned in their favorite saints costume. Just watch the short clip as I struggle to find the right words to type. video to be posted later...
Although the participation was thin at Friday evening’s Memorial Mass in honor of the deceased, nonetheless, it was a delightful ritual - simple, quick and yet intensely moving. We started the service in dimmed lights. After the short homily, I asked them to proceed to the center aisle, join the short line and place the cards with the names of the deceased inscribed on it in the basket. I picked each of the cards and chanted the names and the congregation responded with, pray for him/her/them. photos to follow...
It was a little chilly (as expected per forecast no- surprise- come-November) when the Mass at Calvary Cemetery began but as the sun slowly showed up in the horizon, things settled down. Otherwise, we’d have been frozen. At the homily, each person in attendance was asked to say the names of the deceased loved ones: families, relatives and friends. We prayed for the souls of the migrants as well (especially the unidentified) who died while crossing the vast and treacherous Sonoran desert. Noticeably, as I paid close attention, many of them still broke down, teary-eyed, even stammered as the names came out of their mouth. That’s alright. Before the final blessing, everyone nodded in approval when asked to do it again next year. There’s life after death and the best place to bury our departed loved ones is the Cemetery, a final resting place for the body and a temporary abode for the soul awaiting its entry into the eternity only God knows. Cemetery represents the in-between times.
Last Saturday, November 2 was the first anniversary of my arrival here in Douglas y Pueblo Nuevo. I know for sure it was Friday. La vida en la frontera is about learning Spanglish which, of course, means immersing in both cultures other than my own. Since Douglas sits in the southernmost part of the state, I often find myself switching languages regardless of who I stumble upon. And when you do, you’re slowly, un dia la vez, getting the hang of it.
As always, we offer prayers for the homebound, speedy recovery for the sick, hope for the terminally ill and the dying.
Let’s pray for the eternal repose of the souls of the parishioners who recently passed away and offer condolences, sympathy and consolation to the grieving families, relatives and friends. Rest assured, they are included in the prayers of the community.
For the victims of the recent massacre in the state of Sonora and Chihuhua.
Guadalupe Fuentes
Today, November 5 is Virgilio Tabo Sr, my beloved father's 23rd death anniversary.
Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord and let perpetual light shine upon them. May they rest in peace. May their souls and the souls of all the faithful departed through the mercy of God rest in peace. Amen.
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May God bless you abundantly!
Bishop Edward J. Weisenburger