We've followed the DIOCESAN PROTOCOL issued by Bishop Weisenburger on Thursday, March 3 as precautionary measures to prevent the spread of the various flu strains. Although it's flu season, we can't ignore the rapid spread of the highly infectious disease, novel Coronavirus (Covid-19). As of this writing, Tucson area in Pima County reported the first case in today's newspaper . Actually, the report circulated yesterday evening.
Last Sunday, we asked the churchgoers to (for the time being), r efrain from holding hands during the Lord’s Prayer, m ake a simple bow instead of the normal handshake and hug (un abrazo) during the sign of peace and r eceive communion reverently by the hand (in an open hand). In receiving communion in the hand, you have to place your left hand over your right. You cannot take the host (the body of Christ) from the minister. It has to be given to you to be placed at the palm like a precious gift. The body of Christ must be consumed infront of the minister. You cannot consume it on the way to the pew or wait until you reach your seat. The most difficult of all these temporary changes are the suspension of the distribution of chalice (the precious Blood of Christ) and the reception of communion in the hand (the Body of Christ) for those who, all their lives, have received communion in the tongue (the norm). Given this protocol, we're simply asking for cooperation for the safety, wellbeing and in solidarity with the community.
As an added precaution, h and sanitizers are available in the vestibule for the churchgoer's use before and after Mass, h oly water fonts are emptied. Don’t dip your finger on the stoup. A ll Presiders, Deacons, Altar Servers, Extra Ordinary Ministers will wash hands before and after Mass or use alcohol- based hand sanitizer and s acred vessels to be thoroughly washed with soap and hot water following Mass.
If you are sick ( colds, fever, with persistent coughing and sneezing), you are under no obligation to go to Mass. You can stay at home. Your cooperation is much appreciated. In so doing, you are making a huge (charitable) favor to the community gathered in worship and to your two resident priests who cannot afford to get sick. While greeting people after Mass in the vestibule, I discourage shaking my hands...I know this is unusual for affectionate people such as majority of the Douglas community.
We hope and pray that the spread of this disease (or whatever disease for that matter) will be contained through the collaborative efforts of the different sectors in society especially the government and the medical experts in the earliest possible time.
Please be reminded to support the 2020 Annual Catholic Appeal (Bishop’s Appeal). Please click here to give and help fund the 27 ministries in the Diocese of Tucson.
We pray for the migrants and refugees, the incarcerated, victims of drug addiction and the opiod epidemic, the homebound, speedy recovery for the sick ( more importantly, the infected patients worldwide and the approximately hundreds of thousands who had contact with them ), hope for the terminally ill and the dying.
We prayer for the eternal repose of the souls of the parishioners who recently passed away and offer condolences, sympathy and consolation to the grieving families, relatives and friends. Rest assured, the gathered community they are included in the prayers of the community.
Jose Berumen, Marlene Estock, Luanna Encinas
Special Prayers to the souls of those who have died of Covid-19 global outbreak
Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord and let perpetual light shine upon them. May they rest in peace. May their souls and the souls of all the faithful departed through the mercy of God rest in peace. Amen.
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May God bless you abundantly!
Bishop Edward J. Weisenburger