My warmest greetings of joy and gladness this CHRISTMAS SEASON! I’m greatly delighted to welcome you in our Christmas liturgies. The Church is beautifully decorated with festive ornaments such as the little casita of the manger, hay, poinsettias, lights, figurines, and almost every Christmas decor from previous years kept in the storage are out. We didn’t leave anything behind. Many of the songs played and sung during Mass are familiar, so that everyone can join even with our masks on: from O Come all ye faithful, O Holy Night, Joy to the World and yes! Feliz Navidad. These are songs that come naturally to us and no need for rehearsals. Just belt it out. When I was growing up, in the days leading up to Christmas, I spent most of my time in the kitchen helping prepare delicacies and food to be shared at the table on Christmas Eve. In the house, the last person to leave the table is responsible for the undesirable tasks: wash the dishes, sweep the floor and throw the garbage. My pleasure. I didn’t mind doing that for as long as my belly was full. I enjoyed the food preparation and tasting for quality control.
Because of the proximity of my priesthood ordination to Christmas (3 days apart), I plunged deeply in the Mystery of the Incarnation of the Son of God, the presence of God in the flesh, the essential saving grace, the heart and soul of our redemption. This fundamental Christian belief, that God became human in Jesus Christ, the Son of God, is the doctrine that I found so much inspiration in my priestly ministry. Grace builds on nature. Before you delve into orthodoxy, don’t miss human reality. Although I won’t be able to greet you in person, as I cannot be in three places at the same time, rest assured you are in my prayers. I hope things go well with your familial gatherings. Winter has begun. Weather is going to get colder. As we wrap our bodies with thick layered fabrics, let God’s grace, divine favor and the warmth of our hearts dissipate the coldness of the season. Christmas is a time when our humanity is at its best. Kindness, generosity, and selfless love surround, envelop and overshadow us. God is with us (Emmanu-el) and because He is with us, there will be peace. After all the troubling circumstances surrounding the birth of Christ, God made the impossible happen. The stillness of Advent went fast. At the beginning of the Liturgical year, God in human flesh, the Incarnate Word as the starting point of Christianity, will be our guide because if we don’t, we might miss God altogether. We might even correct Him and change the way He does things. At the Vigil Mass, as families and friends come together, the Genealogy of Jesus, his ancestry, family tree, is proclaimed letting us know of the importance of the human origins of the Son of God, and ours as well.
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May God bless you abundantly!
Bishop Edward J. Weisenburger