A universal day of fasting and abstinence
April 12, 2025, Saturday, 9:00am - 5:00pm
St. Luke Parish, 1211 E 15th St.
Douglas, AZ 85607
Thank you for signup up!
December 24, 2024, Tuesday
4:00 pm - Christmas Nativity Play
4:30 pm - Vigil Mass (English)
10:30 pm - Mass during the Night (English)
December 25, 2024, Wednesday
9:00 am - Mass during the Day (English)
11:00 am - Misa del dia (Spanish)
December 24, 2024, Tuesday
5:30 pm - Christmas Nativity Play
6:00 pm - Vigil Mass (Spanglish)
9:00 pm - Misa de medianoche (Spanish)
December 25, 2024, Wednesday
12:00 pm - Mass during the Day (English)
There is no 6:00 pm Spanish Mass
No hay misa en Español 6:00 pm
December 24, 2024, Tuesday
7:30 pm - Misa de medianoche (Spanish)
December 25, 2024, Wednesday
9:30 am - Mass during the Day (English)
Our Lady of La Salette Mission

December 25, 2024, Wednesday
9:00 am - Mass during the Day (English)
1211 E 15th St.
Douglas, AZ 85607
(520) 364 - 4411
Mon, Tues, Wed, Friday
9:00 am - 5:00 pm
Thursday - closed
Saturday, Vigil Mass,
5:00 pm, English
Sunday, 9:00 am, English
Domingo, 11:00 am, Spanish
Monday - Friday, 7:00 am, English
Saturday, 3:30 pm - 4:30 pm,
Church or by request
928 C Ave.
Douglas, AZ 85607
(520) 364 - 8494
Monday - Friday
9:00 am - 12:00 pm
Saturday, Vigil Mass
6:00 pm, Spanish
Sunday, 12:00 pm, English
Domingo, 6:00 pm, Spanish
Monday - Saturday, 9:00 am, Spanish
Friday, 6:00 pm - 7:00 pm,
Church or by request
2308 N McKinley St.
Pirtleville, AZ 85626
(520) 364 - 2762
please contact St. Luke Office at
(520) 364-4411
Sunday, 9:30 am, Bilingual
St. Bernard Parish
Sunday, 9:00 am, English
Our Lady of La Salette Mission, McNeal, AZ 85617
office hours, or by request
1200 E 14th St.
Douglas, AZ 85607
(520) 364 - 5754
Tuesday, 8:15 am
"Educating for Life with the mind and heart of Christ"
"...overcome by sleep, but becoming fully awake, they saw his glory..." (Luke 9: 32).
"Sir, leave it for this year also, and I shall cultivate the ground around it and fertilize it; it may bear fruit in the future" (Luke 13: 9).
"Jesus was led by the spirit into the desert for forty days to be tempted by the devil" (Luke 4:1).
Rome, San Giovani Rotondo, Assisi, Florence
Milan, Turin, Venice
We, the Pastor and members of St. Luke, Immaculate Conception, St. Bernard and its mission in Douglas-Pirtleville, Arizona,
recognize and affirm our incorporation in the mystical body of Christ, and so, do unite to form one joint parish pastoral council, whereby through mutual works and assistance, the mission of Christ in our parishes will be more effectively promoted and performed.
We recognize, affirm and accept communion
with the vicar of Christ, our Holy Father, the Bishop of Our Diocese, and his designated representative in our parishes, the pastor.
We intend that this parish pastoral council shall at all times reflect the apostolic mandate of Christ, and the will of the Holy Mother Church, as expressed by the Holy Father, our ordinary, and our pastor.
Giving is deeply spiritual more than material indicative of one's commitment to the parish. In the spirit of Communion, Participation and Mission, we entrust our community in the hands of our loving God. What we place in the collection basket is larger than life. We ask God to sanctify our joys and sorrows, success and failure as the basket is passed, monies collected and offered to the Lord at the altar.
One of my most favorite and solemn parts of the Mass is the congregation's response to the Presider's invitation, "May the Lord accept the sacrifice at your hands for the praise and glory of his name, for our good and the good of all his holy Church". Channeling your weekly giving here online is deeply appreciated. It is safe and secure. Any amount of generosity cannot be outdone. Any act of kindness is most appreciated especially in times of adversity. Your charitable contribution is tax-deductible.
Please accept my gratitude for your continued generous financial support. May our loving and gracious God reward you a hundred-fold. Thank you so much! Muchisimas Gracias!
Fr Jojo
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May God bless you abundantly!
Bishop Edward J. Weisenburger